One thing I’ve been learning recently: When I stretch myself I’m spread thin, like a rubber band. When God stretches me, I expand (blowupuate!). Today marks a big milestone for me. Today we finished mastering the Infinitus self-titled debut cd and it’s FINALLY ready for release! WooHoo!!
Let me give you the back-story. Infinitus prays about EVERYTHING and we rely on God’s guidance to keep us on the right path. I know that sounds preachy, but for me it’s just practical. All of that to say that when we prayed about how to record our debut album we all felt that I was supposed to record it. The problems: I’m not a recording engineer, my studio is wherever my laptop/mic are, and my recording equip is kind of ghetto. This has worked fine for my solo recordings, but I didn’t want to bring anyone else into my “funky-finger production” style of recording (“In Living Color” fans will catch that one BAM!!). As this is Infinitus’ first album, I was really worried that the recording wouldn’t sound as great as it could due to my inexperience. So I had to step up my game. Funds are limited so I couldn’t buy a new studio, but I picked up a new pre-amp (allows you to record into a computer without jacked up mic levels) and Alex, the cellist, bought a second recording mic, giving us more mixing options as well as a fuller sound. The studio: a few hotel rooms in Ontario, and Alex’s 4yr-old son’s bedroom.
Alex and I recording in a hotel in Mississauga, ON. Yes I'm sporting a do-rag and a wife beater (don't hate! LOL).
The end result: A great album. It sounds very natural (almost live) and you really hear US; real people, real string instruments, real beats (no auto-tune or special effects – I don’t even know how to use auto-tune, nor do I want to learn). It’s taken hours of recording, re-recording, mixing, re-mixing, mastering and re-mastering; and I’ve had to do a lot of research and trial-and- error but at the end of the day, it’s done and it’s good. Once again, God, thankYou for seeing something in me that I didn’t see in myself. On to the next!
For more info on the Infinitus album, visit www. It will be released later this spring.